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Author scientific credits

OMICS International, in consideration with author guidelines, offers author scientific credits for submitted (if accepted) manuscripts.
OMICS International extends its gratitude towards the author with the CERTIFICATE of updated SCIENTIFIC CREDITS regularly through online tracking system for fulfillment of potential authorship criteria.
The author scientific credits will be provided based on
  1. full text  Number of full text views (FT)
  2. pdf  Number of PDF downloads (PDF)
  3. citation  Number of citations (NC)
  4. online journal Number of submissions to OMICS International journals only
    This information will be updated twice in a year.

Scientific credits for OMICS International authors

Total scientific credit of each published article=
Average of credits for number of full text views, Number of PDF downloads × Number of citations
Average credit for each published manuscript (AC) = FT+PDF/2 × NC
Total scientific credit of all published articles = Average credit of each published manuscript(s) × Total number of submissions
Total scientific credit (SC) = AC×S
OMICS International will provide these credits by online tracking system and update them for every six months. Authors can easily download these certificates by online.

Special benefits to the OMICS International author with highest scientific credits:
Registration with 25% at their relevant OMICS International conference. Certificate of Felicitation will be provided at relevant OMICS International conference/ will be sent by post/ will be provided by online.
For more details on OMICS International conferences:
For further queries regarding author scientific credits please contact: / / Fax: 650-618-1414

Example 1:
An Editor XX has published 3 editorials and scored 2 credits for Exemplary time lines, 2 credits for Quality of comments, 3 credits for Suggestions to author and 3 credits for Justified decision. His scientific credit is calculated in the following manner:
Average credit for overall handled articles, for the four responsibilities mentioned above (AC) = ET+QC+SA+JD/4 2+2+3+3/4 = 2.5 Total Editor Scientific Credit (SC) = AC×TE

Example 2:

A reviewer ZY has published 4 editorials and scored 2 credits for Exemplary time lines, 2 credits for Quality of comments, 3 credits for Suggestions to author and 3 credits for Justified decision. His scientific credit is calculated in the following manner:
Average credit for overall handled articles, for the four responsibilities mentioned above (AC) = ET+QC+SA+JD/4 2+2+3+3/4 = 2.5 Total Editor Scientific Credit (SC) = AC×TE
As his annual editorials published are four, his Scientific Credit = 2.5×4 = 10

Special benefits to the OMICS International author with highest scientific credit

Certificate of felicitation at relevant OMICS International conference.
No Open Access publication fee for the published article.
For more details on OMICS International conferences:
For further queries regarding editor scientific credits please contact
E-mail : /
Fax: 650-618-1414